State of Grace: a state in which we are kind, loving, and gentle with ourselves thus experiencing a kind, loving, and gentle existence. It's not about bypassing the inner work but learning how to flow through the depths of the shadows with compassion; bringing light to the
darkness; and realizing there is gracefulness in the messy. It is lovingly accepting the duality of light and dark within us so we can
integrate into an empowered and expansive being. State of Grace is a coaching program that helps women learn how to eliminate fear, self-doubt, and stubborn blocks that sabotage self-worth so they can breakthrough to their feminine brilliance and step into their power as a woman. This program guides women back to a state of grace so they can create a life of abundance, flow, and ease.
state of grace: the art of coming home
state of grace: the art of coming home is now being offered via Patreon. This is a feminine rising group coaching program. This program provides EMPOWERMENT in embodiement authentic being through embracing, empowering, expressing, and expanding by coming home to yourself. Find TRUE SOVERIEGNTY of your soul and human expression. This powerful program is about coming home to yourself; calling back all parts that may have been fragmented due to trauma, misalignment, karma, and generational pacts. This allows for alchemy and deep feminine rise into a pure goddess energy allowing you to live a more empowered, feminine, soft, and peaceful existence. As women we have been forced to be our masculine expression for far too long. It is time to move back into our flow.
During this program, you will learn to embrace your true, authentic self. We will retrieve parts of your soul and self; we will alchemize your dark with the light; you will gracefully step into self-acceptance and love; and remember who you genuinely are. True empowerment will come through this process. You will learn to express your authentic self with grace. You will find your path of creative feminine expression and have a deep understanding of your function in this world. You will expand into the world and comfortably take up space. You will call in your community.
This program includes options for both group and individual calls with support in between. You will learn to live your life in ceremony with yourself through the customized program tools thus making every day a magical experience. We create a plan for you to do the work throughout the program AND indulge in ample self-care. We shift the mind to care for yourself in ways you never knew possible. Blessing yourself allows you to bless others.
This deeply transformative program is for women ready to be themselves at a deeper level; ready to live a life of ease; and ready to show up in this world in a completely different way.
Click Here To Learn Specific Program Details
​You are welcome to sign up by simply going to www.patreon.com/ninawilson and sign up for the Mastery or State of Grace Tier. However, I do offer free consultation calls to see if this program is a good fit for you. This is not a sales call. It is a time to ask all of the questions you may have and for both YOU and Nina to decide if this program is a good fit for you. This is program is not about signing people up, it is about getting people results! I am not here to sell you on this program as I KNOW how beautiful it is. If we talk logistics and you sign-up, then let’s pop bottles. If we dont get to talk logistics because it is not for you- that is perfectly fine. I love you either way!
Click Here to Schedule a Consultation
State of Grace Retreats
The State of Grace Retreats are lovely weekend events where women can come together and dive into their inner work in a safe place. Each retreat has an over-all theme but are also individually customized to help each woman achieve personal goals. They include group activities and solitarty space for personal processing. These retreats include the use of plant medicine. Pre-retreat and post-retreat sessions are included. These are paramount in order to prepare for your journey and to integrate the experience into your life. Included in these retreats are also, movement, meditation, sound healing, vegan meals, room/board, and a keepsake item. Application for the retreats do require a consultation call to make sure you are ready to embrace the in depth work of sacred plant medicine. This is a perfect opportunity to have any questions answered about any part of the retreat.
State of Grace Individual Retreats
Individual retreats are for those looking to dive in individually, not in a group setting. These retreats are based on the principles listed abover in the group retreat but are fully customized based on individual needs and intent. Prior to booking, we hop on a call to sort out your intentions for the indidual retreat. We dive into what your heart is really desiring, what needs to change to bring those desires into your reality. and then we customize the entire retreat around your intentions. This includes meals, lodging, activities, and 1-1 sessions with Nina. These retreats take place in beautiful Santa Fe, NM or Pagosa Springs, CO.
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State of Grace Soul Sister Retreats
Do you have a Soul Sister that you cannot imagine going through this life without? Wouldn't it be lovely to take a little weekend retreat customized to deepen your Soul Sister bond and your individual soul's work together? I thought so, too. This life can be rough sometimes and getting to dive into a deeply soul nourishing weekend with your bestie is such potent medicine. These retreats are customized much like the individual retreats but are designed to accomodate two people. Includes meals, lodging, activities, and 1-1 sessions with Nina customized to your intentions. These retreats take place in beautiful Santa Fe, NM or Pagosa, CO.